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We design buildings that maintain their quality over time.
Our investments are created with lasting aesthetics in mind,
captivating with a unique style that gives character to our projects.

We design buildings that maintain their quality over time. Our investments are created with lasting aesthetics in mind, captivating with a unique style that gives character to our projects.

Timeless architecture surrounded by greenery ensures comfort for work and relaxation. The Wrocław Market Square, the heart of the city, is just an 8-minute walk away, offering a dynamic metropolitan atmosphere.

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The architecture of a timeless character, surrounded by greenery, provides comfortable conditions for work and rest.

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    True story

    We build value for future generations, based on respect for architectural and historical heritage.

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    TOSCOM Art

    Our goal is to create spaces where art harmoniously coexists with the environment, becoming an integral part of the daily life of the inhabitants.

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    Always close to nature

    When planning our investments, we focus on locations that provide residents with proximity to nature and peace, even in the city center.

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We build value for future generations while respecting architectural and historical heritage. We create spaces that connect the past with the present.

Wierzymy, że w świetnie zaprojektowanych budynkach życie zyskuje na wartości.

Odkryj naszą filozofię


Dbamy o to, by każda inwestycja była przestrzenią pełną estetyki i harmonii, w której kolekcje współczesnej sztuki wzbogacają atmosferę i wprowadzają nową jakość w życie mieszkańców.

Odkryj więcej

Zawsze blisko natury

Planując nasze inwestycje dbamy o to, aby mieszkańcy mieli łatwy dostęp do miejsc, które oferują kontakt z naturą.

In our philosophy, DETAIL is crucial. It is the smallest elements that make up the whole. Care in the selection of materials, precise finishes are the foundations that give a unique character to our spaces.

Value for Generations

We design buildings that not only stand the test of time, but gain in value.
They are distinguished by timeless aesthetics, character durability and elegance.

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